exiftool github
exiftool github




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Phraseanet dependency repository. Contribute to alchemy-fr/exiftool development by creating an account on GitHub.

AryanVBWExif: ExifTool is a powerful command

ExifTool is a powerful command-line tool that can be used to extract and edit metadata in a wide range of media files, including images, audio, and video.

AsyncExifTool is a high speed async wrapper for ExifTool ...

AsyncExifTool is a high speed async wrapper for ExifTool using the -stay-open argument. - GitHub - coenm/AsyncExifTool: AsyncExifTool is a high speed async ...

ExifTool by Phil Harvey

Making metadata more accessible. ExifTool by Phil Harvey has 3 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

ExifTool meta information readerwriter

ExifTool meta information reader/writer. Contribute to exiftool/exiftool development by creating an account on GitHub.

exiftool · GitHub

List exif informations ... Commonly, in JPEG images, the DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate and ModifyDate values must all be changed. For convenience, a shortcut tag ...

exiftool · GitHub Topics

An EXIF-based photo assistant, organizer and workflow automation tool. python cli photos automation command-line dropbox photography google-drive python3 exif ...

exiftoolREADME at master

ExifTool meta information reader/writer. Contribute to exiftool/exiftool development by creating an account on GitHub.


This is an updated version of the ExifToolGui program created by Bogdan Hrastnik. Many thanks go out to him. Released version: V6.3.3 updated June 7, 2024.


The library provides the class exiftool.ExifTool that runs the command-line tool in batch mode and features methods to send commands to that program, including ...


Phraseanetdependencyrepository.Contributetoalchemy-fr/exiftooldevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,ExifToolisapowerfulcommand-linetoolthatcanbeusedtoextractandeditmetadatainawiderangeofmediafiles,includingimages,audio,andvideo.,AsyncExifToolisahighspeedasyncwrapperforExifToolusingthe-stay-openargument.-GitHub-coenm/AsyncExifTool:AsyncExifToolisahighspeedasync ...,Makingmetadatamoreaccessibl...